Here you will be able to view all of the available pools. You can easily view pools on other chains by switching the network through the drop-down menu on the top right.


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Here are some functions to help you navigate to your desired farm pool more easily:

  1. You can filter by “Assets” by clicking on the desired assets
  2. You can filter by “DEX”. Currently we support:
    1. Ethereum: Uniswap V2, Sushiswap, Curve
    2. Avalanche: Trader Joe, Pangolin
    3. Fantom: Spookyswap, Spiritswap
  3. You can also filter by the “APR” or “Liquidity” of the farm pools.
  4. If it’s easier to type, you can also use the “Search” function.

Asset Pair

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Here we have displayed the essential information to help users make decision more easily.


  1. Leveraged APR: The value displays starting APR % to maximum it can reach with leverage.
  2. Available Leverage: Displays the max leverage available, starting with 1X
  3. Pool TVL: Displays the TVL from the original farm pool
  4. Trading Volume: Trading data in 24 hours interval
  5. TVL via Homora v2: Displays currently TVL farmed through Homora
  6. Positions: Current farm positions opened through Homora